Today Friday March 13, 2020
Infected Cases: 144,031
Death: 5,397
To reiterate this is not the Flu and it is not SARS 2002-2003!
My first post on the Coronavirus was back on February 28th. You can check it on FB. Only 2 weeks ago seems like a eternity for many, especially in Italy and Iran where its reeking absolute havoc as the medical centers and hospitals are now overwhelmed and the Doctors are having to do triage like in war-time and have been put in the awful position of deciding who gets intensive medical care and who does not. I made some predictions just 2 weeks ago and sorry to say it's at our doorstep right now. WHO finally said it is a Global Pandemic they're only 2 months late.
Many countries have acted way too late, we had lots of time to prepare and pay attention to what was happening in China, but to no avail. Now we are past the point of containment. Most expert scientists who have been studying the data from China and now the U.S have said that the numbers of infected we are being told is very bogus, which I think most of us realize by now. Times it by 10 or even as much as 20. So whatever numbers you see tallying up times it by 20 and you'll have a more realistic number of infected cases in the country you live in. The U.S is about 2-3 weeks behind Italy as well as other countries like the UK, Spain, France and Germany and then our medical centers and hospitals will be at peak capacity and overwhelmed. That's just for starters, then more lock downs will happen and most likely all commercial air travel etc, etc, etc.
No I'm not an alarmist or racked with fear and paranoia. It's called preparedness for whatever eventuality we have to face. And if you haven't properly prepared to protect your family then you need to start. The virus is going to run its course like any other virus so social distancing, stop gathering in large crowds, extreme cleanliness and the utmost hygiene. But then I'm assuming by now you already know these basics.
I want to go over something that is very important and you need to ask yourself where you are on this list because we are human and we all go through these stages and all of us process these feelings at different times.
1. DENIAL ("It's just the Flu" Bro) 2. ANGER ("I SAID, it's just the Flu Bro! Stop telling me about this!") 3. BARGAINING ("I'm taking extra Vitamin C. This will be fine") 4. FEAR OR ANXIETY ("Everything is going to collapse!" "get toilet paper!") 5. DEPRESSION ("There's no hope. No point. We're all going to get it.") 6. ACCEPTANCE ("It is what it is. Let's do our best and help each other.")
So please process your own adjustment reaction, or 6-stages of awareness first. Approach people without an emotional agenda. Be as emotionally neutral as you can be. Watch out for signs that they aren't ready, and back off the second they say so (this may be subtle). No matter what, you might not be that person's trusted source. Be patient, plant seeds if that's all you can do. But be ready for when they come back - don't gloat, don't fish for apologies.
We always resist when people don't necessarily agree with our own point of view so please stay neutral and help each other. We are all in this together. This virus no matter what you think has many tentacles and besides the obvious like lives and health, it's destroying people's friendships, income, businesses, respect for each other, common decency and basic humanity. We cannot allow this to happen. Sadly it didn’t need to be this way. We must protect each other so please as always stay safe and healthy and vigilant. Stay strong, serene and smart. Always be a hard target! Please Share