Today Sunday April 5, 2020
Infected cases: 1,269,240
Death: 69,346
The Coronavirus is affecting 208 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances.
(By now we know the numbers of infected cases around the world are way higher X10 or X20).
Now 4 months into this deadly pandemic that has literally taken the world by storm and knocked most of us clearly off our feet. The question is how did we get here and more importantly how do governments around the world stand united to figure a way of moving forward and finding a way out of this disaster? While leaders of countries and citizens continue the blame game of who started it. It really serves us no purpose to continually play this blame game. The virus cares not and as long as people continue to not respect the rules that are put in place to protect citizens then the virus will continue to infect and kill many more thousands and possibly millions of men, women and even children. Everyday that goes by the numbers are doubling at an exponential rate. There are many people who don’t understand how exponential growth works but simply look at this way. It took 4 months to reach the first 500,000 infected cases and 1week to reach 1million! If that isn’t a wake up then I’m not sure what it will take.
We know that China were very abysmal in its initial reaction when its first cases struck. Yes, they downplayed it and said it was only a few cases and just a version of the seasonal FLU. Sounds eerily familiar. It took them a month before they sounded the alarm. But as soon as they knew there was a terrible problem looming they took draconian and radical measures to contain and slow the spread of the contagion. The entire world watched in amazement as every news channel showed videos of the countries lockdowns and ghost cities that were shut off. We also saw in horror people keeling over in the streets and dying and then being covered with a tarp. These macabre scenes are now being played out in countries like Ecuador where bodies are being left in the streets and even being set on fire, as they lay dead. But throughout the world, lockdown measures, isolation, social distancing are all being issued. Here in the U.S President Trump downplayed the situation continually saying it was all good and we would have a few cases and it would just magically go away. The news media took hold of it and ran with all sorts of ridiculous stories. There has been so much disinformation floating around that the public have no idea what to believe. When even the WHO and CDC the supposed experts with the best doctors, virologists and epidemiologists in the world continually flip-flop on important information who are we supposed to believe. Its only taken them 2 months to finally tell the public that we should be wearing face masks.
It’s really quite pathetic and I’ve watched with incredulity, as I’m sure many of you have.
So here we are in a real cluster f… It makes no sense to play the blame game. We cannot change what happened 4 months ago or the decisions that were made yesterday. How do we move forward and make decisive and sensible decisions to protect the citizens and most importantly try and save as many lives as possible?
I myself have gotten very angry not only at China’s CCP for lying but at my own government and our own President for his continued incompetence. Why can’t we look to countries that have had great success in combatting this deadly foe? Taiwan a population of 24 million is a great example that has had a total 363 infected cases and only 5 deaths. Even South Korea population 52 million that had a lot of infected cases over 10,000 but very low deaths of 183. What have they done differently? Remember as early as Chinese New Year mid January 2020 they both were extremely proactive locking down their countries. With hundreds of thousands being tested and getting back results the following day, quarantining, contact tracing, social distancing, mandatory use of face masks and the use of mobile tracking of its citizens. This has worked and they are both democratic republics not communist with advanced health care systems and a very solid infrastructure with disciplined and orderly people who listen to their governments issued mandates.
It is obviously possible to dramatically contain this pandemic but the only way is for countries to take radical extreme measures. We all must make the ultimate sacrifice for the better good and the future of our society. So far here in the U.S the decisions taken have mostly been lamentable. Last time I checked and tell me if I’m wrong isn’t this the United States of America and yet it seems that the 50 states are making up their own rules. Some of which are absolutely abominable, still allowing church services or golf and in some states still keeping the beaches open and allowing people to go for a Sunday drive. This is no time to be hanging out with your friends and yet I still see people without face masks and gloves. There is no excuse for this complete lack of selfishness, uncaring for your fellow human beings and total irresponsibility. Make your own mask for god’s sake, use a bandana anything is better than nothing and stay the hell home!
And as for our so-called leaders that we are supposed to look to for solid and sound leadership, it’s embarrassing and yes they are playing with our lives. This is no time for each state governor to make up his own rules as he wishes. There’s only one leader last time I checked of the USA and President Trump you need to bring the hammer down and start being presidential. Stop flip-flopping and start making the hard decisive decisions that yes will be very painful for many of us but ultimately is for the greater good. Such as unreservedly supporting and endorsing the recommendations by the top health and safety professionals, without caveat or addendum. If not then the lives lost will be on your watch, and you will be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American lives. It’s a hell of a responsibility, so either step up to the plate or step down and bow out.
Everyone take care of yourself and your family.
Stay strong, serene and smart
As Always Be A Hard Target.